Wednesday 13 January 2010

Over Load of thoughts

Have you ever had the feeling that your brain might explode because there are just too many thoughts in there?

So many things out there in the world. So much happens. So much to think about.

I read in Salmaan Rushdie's book, "The things that affect your life the most, happen in your absence".

I have a communication problem. I get so involved in myself that I have a hard time communicating what I think and feel to other people. I give the wrong impression. But then I wonder what is the right impression.

People say all the time be yourself. What does that mean?

What if being myself involves pretending or being fake with some people or in certain situations. Not being myself is also a part of me being myself. So in what situation should i adhere to the advice to "Be Yourself"?

Maybe what it means is to be whoever you are comfortable being in any given situation. The true self is really relative isn't it. I am a different person when I am being a friend and different when I am being a daughter, sister, girl friend. Which one of these personas is me? Well all of them. What about the core? At heart there must be me being me and not anyone's sister, daughter etc. I am not sure who that me is. We are so busy being all these different people..employees, employers, lovers n wives that we never take the time to find out what makes me.

And then there is this thought that comes to my head..OHH MY GOD!!! ME..ME..ME how selfish and self centered can you get. There are people in the world who don't get food everyday. Women who don't have basic rights. And I am sitting here whining about not getting the time to figure myself out.